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The happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others.

- Gordon B. Hinckley

Our Mission

The mission of KALOS is to provide guidance and high quality independent living services to our consumers. In providing such services, each program plan shall be individualized to meet each consumer's needs. The quality ,of our services shall be measured by the success of our consumers to live independently, lead productive, and meaningful lives.

Our Mission

Our Vision

It is the vision of KALOS that our consumers learn by making their own choices and decisions while receiving appropriate, supportive guidance. It is our intention to provide a secure, trustworthy, and beneficial relationship with each and every consumer, thus giving them a safe resource to refer to. KALOS shall approach each learning experience with care and empathy while providing clear and thorough explanations with alternatives. KALOS believes firmly in consumer choice, which makes us committed in giving our consumers the last word in independent decision-making. Therefore, it should be understood that when a consumer makes a choice or decision, that he/she is responsible for his/her actions. Staff will assist with situational remedies for poor decisions, but ultimately the responsibility and rewards of such actions shall remain with the consumer.

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